
Now I know!

One of the best weeks of summer is behind us. Over the last couple of months we've been preparing to this. And it was worth it! Check it out: 

The students arrived on Saturday 07/28/2012. Definitely they weren't expecting such a red welcoming! 


After the registration they became the "red barrets" too. (or better to say...the red army?)

This is how it started. In this room we had our regular common meetings - the choir rehearsals, evening programs, e-nights, ...


I can tell that since the first choir rearsal it went very well. We worked hard, and yet had a lot of fun. Personaly, for me, amazing thing was to see how one of the Fusion's key values manifested through all of this  - the COMMUNITY. We did things together, as well as encoraged one another.

Besides the choir rehearsal students were involved  in different workshops (musical instrumets, crafts, drama dance, photography).

The typical camp day was filled with many sport activities or free time (usually spent in 2 swimming-pools or at the beach volleyball ground). One day we went through something called "surviaval". We manage to survive :-).   


A satisfaction and joy form overcoming all obstacles looks like this: 

Day after survival - notice all the coffee mugs :-)

The whole week had a purpose. We worked, prepared for our D-day = 08/03/2012. Our parents, friends, acquaintances came to see what we've learned. 

This is FUSION, my friends! Until now I've been writing about and promoting Fusion and why I chose it. But NOW I KNOW!  God was preparing me for this ministry and He goes further. He is extending  my heart - for the students, and after all, for Him alone.

Seeing how a shy person became a superstar on a stage is an amazing feeling! There were people who held an acoustic guitar  for the first time in their life and in the end of the week they could play at the concert. I'm so grateful for all these students listening to the Good News, being honest in their discussion groups, making decisions to personally follow Jesus Christ, experiencing a team spirit, seeing answered prayers, etc., etc., etc.... - all this laid down the foundation for Fusion which is going to continue during the school year! 

Even Papa Smurf liked it, as well as ...

.... Padmé a Anakin :-)

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