
Meet chic grandmas

Travelling around Bratislava today was so much fun!
While I was waiting at the bus stop, an old lady (over 60 years old) passed by.  Two crutches in her hands were a clear evidence of her problems with walking. But what caught my eye was her haircut! A short bob with pink highlights in blond hair. Something like this: 


Only few minutes later I saw a 50+ years old woman riding a  scooter.


I started to imagine myself at their age. Am I going to be a rockstar with pink hair or an Olympian on a scooter? I don't think so, but these ladies set up an example - the importance of an active lifestyle.
And when you mix the care of exterior with the inner beauty,
that combination becomes contagious!

All of this made me thinking about one woman in my life.
Ketty Conrad.

She has been my mentor during my studies in Denmark.
A creative soul, always chic and with smile on her face. It was fascinating to observe her interaction with other people. When you talk to her, she makes you feel that you are the only one in the world, you are important! She knows what it means to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. I love the sparkle in her eyes when she talks about Christ! It's so real and sincere. 
"She is really serious about the whole God thing!"

Her life experiences made her even more beautiful.
She is gentle.
Her strenght consist in her way of loving.

I don't wanna be her clone. But it is my desire that when people think of me in the future, they would think about the same thing that comes to my mind when I remember Ketty:

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. 
The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God. 
(Proverbs 31:30)


where young people are, there is energy

What a weekend!
More than 60 youth members around Slovakia met in Zilina for a training - preparation for the KECY camps. 
/KECY is our English camp ministry organized in the cooperation with the local churches-youth groups/

Though I'm more involved with Fusion ministry, I was there...supporting our TCK team and re:conneting with people.

It has been great because:
- every year we have new leaders coming which is a sign of a good multiplication and it never gets boring
- of the precious felowship / where young people are, there is energy, vision, enthusiasm and life! People were actively participating, exchanged ideas / know-hows, encouraged each others through personal talks or prayers
- we could realize the bigger picture / there are 11 different groups involved in the same vision and mission this summer 
- and I spent some extra time with Janka /a blond girl in a first row, fourth from the left/! 

When I was thinking about the summer and all activities I'm involved in I relized I need help. I started to pray and look for a person who would be with me in the whole preparation process of Fusion camp, who would learn and take everything even further! And along came Janka. She has been there from the very beginning of Fusion in Bratislava. She is a wise young woman who is passionate about God's love for her and others.  And probably because of this she said yes and became a co-leader of this year's camp. 
I like that we are so different. Her perception of things, approach and ideas inspire me and I truly hope that this cooperation will be benefitial for the whole team/camp!