

What comes to your mind when you hear the word worhsip?

Do you worship when you are in the mountains? 

Do you worship on your way to work?

Do you worship?

Worship is so NATURAL!
When I'm in a relationship it's so easy to praise that person I'm in love with. It comes naturally. It's the same with God  - I worship Him for who He is (Psalm 136) or what He has done for me (Psalm 40:2-4)

Worship is a SACRIFICE!
Sacrifice means to give up something for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim. It's writte: "Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name." (Hebrews 13:15)
Worship is actually the only thing we can give Him back. Everything we have comes from Him and we can't take nothing of it to eternity. But when I worship, I intentionally surrender to Him. I   freely decide to acknolwedge His greatness. And this freedom is a privilege He created us with.

Worship is DESIRED (required)!
"the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise." (Isaiah 43:21)

"But the hour is coming and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father IS SEEKING such people to worship him." (John 4:23)

I'm his glory! The more I live with Him, the more I reflect Him (of course)!
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see you good deeds adn GLORIFY your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

Worhsip is a WEAPON!
In the Old Testament we read that when Israelites went to the battle, they always had a "squad of worshipers" with them. Just read 2 Chronicles  20. Why?
We live in a flesh and yet we are not waging war according to the flesh. When we worship, something is happening. Bible tells us that He is enthroned on the praises of his people. Let's use a little bit of logic :-) When God is present, there cannot be the evil one at the same time. He is Holy. 

I praise because He deserves it. He is worthy! I praise because I need it!


What I've been up to these days....

Life is busy, but I like to be busy.

We've started with workshops at Fusion lately:

There are different kinds of workshops (music ones, drama, crafts, solo workshops, etc.)
I'm so excited to see how students are imrpoving and actually preparing for our Christmas concert  - at the main square in Bratislava!!!

So far, we had an opportunity to perform in public - last Sunday, when Mark has been preaching, he asked us to support his message with one of our songs. It has been great and we brought lot of joy to the whole congregation.


The God I believe in :

a) calls, seeks and saves!

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. - Luke 19:10

And the most exciting part is that He wants me to work with Him. Last week I joined my colleagues and the rest of the  Exit Tour team in Poprad. We visited three schools and approached cca 1000 students. They had lots of fun, listened to the great musicians (Faith Child from London, UK), amazing stories of our lecturers (about drugs & other addictions, healthy relationships, love, marriage, ...). I've got to translate Sindy Sunshine who openly shared her life story filled with porn/masturbation addiction and abuse. I'm so thankful for her boldness! Even though she is a completely different person now /because of Jesus/ it's still not easy to talk about it. It's precious to me how she made herself vulnerable in front of others. (check http://thepinkcross.org/)

In the end of that week students were invited to the concert where we shared gospel. It was so exciting to see people from local churches approaching students and sharing their own stories and leading others to Christ. What a joy when people responded to His calling!

Faith Child's performance

 Noro talking about drug addiction

Sindy and me

 with my new friends (amazing servants and volunteers)

b) blesses abundantly
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. - John 10:10

I'm thankful for many things and people but this time I would like to point out my colleagues. It's a privilege to work with TC Kompas and people. I've already learned a lot from them (in terms of leadership, serving attitude, humbleness, etc.) and I'm sure that there is more to come.

c) is my Father and Teacher
To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gav the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descentm nor of human decision or a husband's will, but BORN OF GOD. - John 1:12-13

He loves me no matter what (it's hard to believe, but I'm learning) and teaches me to trust Him no matter what (I'm learning that as well). These days He reminds me of constant abiding in Him, because apart of Him everyhing is meaningless - even good deeds I do as a missionary!
d) loves music /he is surrounded by it/
Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and then thousand times ten thousand....in a loud voice they sang: Workty is the Lam, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise! - Revelation 5: 11-12

I'm looking forward to singing in that choir!!!

e) has a great sense of humour  /Well, he created me ;-)/ 

What's the God you believe in like and why? Let me know!


Now I know!

One of the best weeks of summer is behind us. Over the last couple of months we've been preparing to this. And it was worth it! Check it out: 

The students arrived on Saturday 07/28/2012. Definitely they weren't expecting such a red welcoming! 


After the registration they became the "red barrets" too. (or better to say...the red army?)

This is how it started. In this room we had our regular common meetings - the choir rehearsals, evening programs, e-nights, ...


I can tell that since the first choir rearsal it went very well. We worked hard, and yet had a lot of fun. Personaly, for me, amazing thing was to see how one of the Fusion's key values manifested through all of this  - the COMMUNITY. We did things together, as well as encoraged one another.

Besides the choir rehearsal students were involved  in different workshops (musical instrumets, crafts, drama dance, photography).

The typical camp day was filled with many sport activities or free time (usually spent in 2 swimming-pools or at the beach volleyball ground). One day we went through something called "surviaval". We manage to survive :-).   


A satisfaction and joy form overcoming all obstacles looks like this: 

Day after survival - notice all the coffee mugs :-)

The whole week had a purpose. We worked, prepared for our D-day = 08/03/2012. Our parents, friends, acquaintances came to see what we've learned. 

This is FUSION, my friends! Until now I've been writing about and promoting Fusion and why I chose it. But NOW I KNOW!  God was preparing me for this ministry and He goes further. He is extending  my heart - for the students, and after all, for Him alone.

Seeing how a shy person became a superstar on a stage is an amazing feeling! There were people who held an acoustic guitar  for the first time in their life and in the end of the week they could play at the concert. I'm so grateful for all these students listening to the Good News, being honest in their discussion groups, making decisions to personally follow Jesus Christ, experiencing a team spirit, seeing answered prayers, etc., etc., etc.... - all this laid down the foundation for Fusion which is going to continue during the school year! 

Even Papa Smurf liked it, as well as ...

.... Padmé a Anakin :-)


It was worth it ...

It’s Sunday, July 1, 6.01 in the morning. My train leaves in 36 minutes and I’ve just opened my eyes … and I’m not packed yet! A race against time begins.

I cannot believe it myself, but with God’s and the taxi driver help I manage to get to the station on time.

Together with Mark, Allyson and Ian we arrive to Banska Bystrica – Tajov. What a beautiful nature and pleasant weather! We start to get ready for students who will soon join us . It’s nice that we have some extra time to meet and talk to the rest of our team.

The students have just arrived and here we go!

A typical day at camp looks like this:
0. Fusion camp team meeting
1. breakfast
2. the choir
4. lunch time (finaly!!!)
5. outdoor activities (we need to keep ourselves fit)
6. the seond workshop “in da haus”
7. even superheroes like us need to eat dinner and rest
8. the main evening program (icebreaker, camp dance, Fusion music band, skits, evening talk and discussion afterwards)
9. E(nvironment) – night (full of good food, fun and discussion with students)

In the middle of the week SURVIVAL shows up at the scene. It’s a half-day trip in the woods full of bears (Thanks, Terry English!). The aim is to survive (surprisingly) and fulfill some more or less crazy tasks. It’s so encouraging to see how the whole thing brings us closer to each other and we really create a great team! The very next day I can’t feel my body, but there’s nothing to regret!

The last day is here along with the final concert. Parents and friends are waiting and you can feel our excitement in the air.

It’s over. Success and applause are well-deserved. Tears in our eyes (tears of joy or sadness) are only a side-effect. It’s time to say goodbye.


What can I say a week after the camp?
Seeing how young people worked and improved their talents made me happy. I was really proud of them after the concert!
I’m so thankful for every talk I had with the students and appreciate their honesty and openness. I’m happy for those who personally met with Jesus and still praying for those who haven’t made this decision yet. There’s nothing better than His love and acceptance!

This has been a week of challenges too. I went to Banska Bystrica with a serving attitude but to be honest, many times I have no clue what it means. Again, he has showed me what His servant should look like.
I might give the impression of an easy-going person who enjoys audience, however, it’s not so easy to stand up in front of others and conduct or unexpectedly lead a keyboard workshop. Daily I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone and IT WAS WORTH IT!
Because it changed the way I looked at things and led me to the deeper level of dependency on God. He taught me how to deal with my fears and encouraged me.
One of the songs we performed (“Are you ready for a miracle?”) became my daily prayer: “Lord, I’m ready for a miracle. I want to see what you see. 

"You are my Lord, apart from you I have no good thing ... You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."                                                                                          Psalm 16


Bratislava these days:

It's getting warmer and sunnier!
Everybody is counting down the last days of school. 11 to go!
WE (the baptist church Viera) are getting ready for Fusion Camp Bratislava 2012 as well as Fusion ministry throughout the year!!!

What does it mean?
We are praying for the young generation in our church and city ... that our hearts would be extended and broken for them! But we need to be equipped for this ministry as well. Therefore we've already been through some trainings, for example last week we went to Brno in CZ . Special thanks goes to our Czech Fusion friend, Milan who came over to Bratislava and presented the whole concept of Fusion in the church.

As a camp leader I'm very thankful for people God put on our team. I'm so encouraged by their enthusiasm and willingness to serve! Do you know the motto of the European Union? "United in diversity". And that is what I can think of when describing out team. We are sooo diverse in terms of age, experience, job position, etc., but soooo united in Christ. It's a privilege to be a part of this and I'm really getting excited about this summer and what God is going to do among us! 
