

What comes to your mind when you hear the word worhsip?

Do you worship when you are in the mountains? 

Do you worship on your way to work?

Do you worship?

Worship is so NATURAL!
When I'm in a relationship it's so easy to praise that person I'm in love with. It comes naturally. It's the same with God  - I worship Him for who He is (Psalm 136) or what He has done for me (Psalm 40:2-4)

Worship is a SACRIFICE!
Sacrifice means to give up something for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim. It's writte: "Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name." (Hebrews 13:15)
Worship is actually the only thing we can give Him back. Everything we have comes from Him and we can't take nothing of it to eternity. But when I worship, I intentionally surrender to Him. I   freely decide to acknolwedge His greatness. And this freedom is a privilege He created us with.

Worship is DESIRED (required)!
"the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise." (Isaiah 43:21)

"But the hour is coming and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father IS SEEKING such people to worship him." (John 4:23)

I'm his glory! The more I live with Him, the more I reflect Him (of course)!
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see you good deeds adn GLORIFY your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

Worhsip is a WEAPON!
In the Old Testament we read that when Israelites went to the battle, they always had a "squad of worshipers" with them. Just read 2 Chronicles  20. Why?
We live in a flesh and yet we are not waging war according to the flesh. When we worship, something is happening. Bible tells us that He is enthroned on the praises of his people. Let's use a little bit of logic :-) When God is present, there cannot be the evil one at the same time. He is Holy. 

I praise because He deserves it. He is worthy! I praise because I need it!