
In 2012 I've received a specific call from God into the full-time ministry. I'm thankful for this opportunity to work at TCKompas /Josiah Venture's partner organisation is Slovakia/, focusing primarily on Fusion! And I'm so grateful for people who support me in any way! I couldn't do this ministry without them.

Would you like to be one of them? I'd like to invite you into this adventure with me!

Please, pray if God is calling you to become my ministry partner through the:
- regular prayers 
- encouragement and active interest in this ministry 
- regular or one-time financial support

Please, let me know (, so I could keep you updated not only via this blog.

Your donations can be send:

1. through Josiah Venture /click here to find out more/

USA, PO Box 4317; Wheaton, IL 60189-4317, Tel: 630-393-0195; USA

2. directly to TCK Slovakia at TCK bank account

Tatra banka, a. s., Street: Hodzovo nam. 3, 811 06 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic
Bank account number: 2699360008 Bank code 1100
Swift code (for international bank wire transfers): TATR SK BX
IBAN: SK62 1100 0000 0026 9936 0008
In order to identify your donation, please, use this variable symbol: 4022