26 days
10 departures & landings
/now i definitely know what aeroasthenia feels like/
13,828 flight miles and more than 1500 car miles
sleeping in 9 beds in 8 states
exhausting, and yet
it was worth it all
. . . . . . . .
i had my
happy moments
sad moments
embarrassing moments
/especially when you engage yourself in a conversation about totally different subject that you think because you don't understand the word but you keep talking anyway or using an inappropriate word while preaching for youth /
it feels great to spend more than 5 days in one time zone
i am still processing
but i already can share some of my observations
i am super thankful for
these people /Mike, Jany and Denisa/
I could get to know them and their hearts/passion more. I've realized how much I didn't know about Slovaks and Eastern Slovakia ;-) Thanks Denisa for explaining!
And about America ...
Staying in 9 different households was like a big lesson on hospitality. It was so great to be spoiled by your care and experience your interest in our ministry!
I just love your services! You enter a store and you feel really welcome there! I've realized it in the moment I stepped into the Slovak grocery store. A hostile look of a saleslady told me everything.
Welcome home, Darina! :)
In general you smile much more than us. And that's a good thing.
It wouldn't hurt us to try to be more positive.
smile is also a good mask. We smile and pretend that everything is fine, so that others won't ask deeper questions.
Drive-through is a brilliant invention. I've noticed though that this kind of comfort creates more stress than less. Because you are still in a hurry. You are always in motion. "Grab this or get this done as fast as possible..."
About me ...
Fast food and using car all the time made me realize how much I like walking and
enjoying my food by sitting at the table and eating slowly.
5 days in Nashville made it official: I do not like country music. No offence, but jazz is jazz!
I enjoyed meeting and talking to so many new people but after a month I'm ready to feed the introverted part of my personality ;-)
About God ...
He cares. It's me who matters to Him more than the work I do. He provides.
He wants my prayers. I really believe that there is much more in prayer that we might think.
I'm reading The Circle Maker from Mark Batterson these days and I highly recommend it.
Few pictures in the end

Elvis is alive :-)
friends from Arkansas
in Chattanooga and Denver, school visits, recruitment
South Carolina and girls I've spend weekend with
at the conference

presenting Mr. Jon Voight
"line dancing"
my first /and probably last/ NHL game