many fights in different battle fields and
not always a winner.
tiredness, self-pity, questionmarks. why is this happening to me?
and then... my dad called. we set up a
lunch date with my mom and him. but instead of going to a fancy restaurant, we
ended up eating our food from white plastic boxes in his office /among the car
parts which he sells/.
this happend for a reason. just few
days before i talked to my mom about life, work, and poor condition of my
fridge. so, my parents decided to spend their money differently. after this simple lunch, my mom took me to the grocery store and bought everything i needed....literally.
then i went to my friend‘s house. besides
other stuff, monika gave me a present /i’ve never got present 2 months
after my b-day!/ J she gave me a painting.
this painting:
isn’t it beautiful? she made it by
herself /remembering that i love music/.
i was so overwhelmed by these very specific expressions of love.
you, an invisible God used visible men to show me that you care. i was weak, you sent them to strenghten my body and soul.
i still don’t have answers to all my
whys. i’m back in the battle field, tired, and yet willing to carry on. thank you
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