
just an ordinary day

 after two crazy months of moving from one place to another and organizing events 
these days seem boring

and yet...

majority of my/our days are 

for example my last two days were filled with 
administration and paperwork
reading books and other materials
meeting people over a cup of coffee
processing and planning 

nothing special, I would say
and I didn't feel fine /don't ask me why ... I don't know/

I was looking for something extraordinary
even through fb
something that would bring more excitement into my life


sometimes I tend to look at the ordinary days like an unwanted must
some kind of transitional stage between two extraordinary experiences

but this is where my life happens

it is made out of small decisions I make daily
my character is being built up especially in those moments when nobody's watching
if I want to be entrusted with much, I need to be trusted with little
He is with me in all those moments


it's ok to have an "ok day" 
i just need to change my mind set
look closer
and capture its beauty


Learning by observing

26 days 
10 departures & landings 
/now i definitely know what aeroasthenia feels like/
13,828 flight miles and more than 1500 car miles
sleeping in 9 beds in 8 states

exhausting, and yet

it was worth it all

. . . . . . . . 

i had my
happy moments
sad moments
embarrassing moments
/especially when you engage yourself in a conversation about totally different subject that you think because you don't understand the word but you keep talking anyway or using an inappropriate word while preaching for youth /

it feels great to spend more than 5 days in one time zone
i am still processing
but i already can share some of my observations

i am super thankful for
these people  /Mike, Jany and Denisa/

I could get to know them and their hearts/passion more. I've realized how much I didn't know about Slovaks and Eastern Slovakia ;-) Thanks Denisa for explaining!

And about America ...

Staying in 9 different households was like a big lesson on hospitality. It was so great to be spoiled by your care and experience your interest in our ministry! 

I just love your services! You enter a store and you feel really welcome there! I've realized it in the  moment I stepped into the Slovak grocery store. A hostile look of a saleslady told me everything. 
Welcome home, Darina! :)
In general you smile much more than us. And that's a good thing. 
It wouldn't hurt us to try to be more positive.
smile is also a good mask. We smile and pretend that everything is fine, so that others won't ask deeper questions.

Drive-through is a brilliant invention. I've noticed though that this kind of comfort creates more stress than less. Because you are still in a hurry. You are always in motion. "Grab this or get this done as fast as possible..."

About me ...
Fast food and using car all the time made me realize how much I like walking and
enjoying my food by sitting at the table and eating slowly.

5 days in Nashville made it official: I do not like country music. No offence, but jazz is jazz!

I enjoyed meeting and talking to so many new people but after a month I'm ready to feed the introverted part of my personality ;-)

About God ...

He cares. It's me who matters to Him more than the work I do. He provides. 
He wants my prayers. I really believe that there is much more in prayer that we might think.
I'm reading The Circle Maker from Mark Batterson these days and I highly recommend it.

Few pictures in the end
 Elvis is alive :-)

friends from Arkansas

 in Chattanooga and Denver, school visits, recruitment

 South Carolina and girls I've spend weekend with

 at the conference

 presenting Mr. Jon Voight

"line dancing" 
my first /and probably last/ NHL game


someone's praying

Almost a week ago I've been visiting Tim's and Lorna's house. Together with other families they are part of an advocacy team which is there for Chases. They meet once a month and pray for Chases and their mission, they advocate for them in their church and spread out news about God’s work in Slovakia. Through Chases they've got to know me, other local workers and they keep praying for us too! It was so encouraging to see their interest and hear their prayers for Tomas and Ester, for Fusion in Bratislava and Senec!

The whole evening was very precious to me. It made me thinking about Paul and his requests he wrote to Christians: "Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you." /2 Thessaloninas 3:1/

Prayer is essential. Prayer keeps us alert. It is our weapon! Prayer unites us, His people!

It's sooooo good to know that someone's praying for you out there.



Why is it good to be an intern?

It's already been 10 days we came to the US. You may have seen few pictures on FB from all over the places, so let me explain what we've been actually doing.

Our 'fantastic four' is on so-called Josiah Venture Fall Recruitment Tour. We are looking for young people who would come over and help us this coming summer to run camps and join our staff as summer interns.


Because there is such a need! In Central and Eastern Europe there are 32,5 million young people ages 15-28. Many of them may know the church but in their mind it's only an old cold building with boring services. It's more about tradition and following some strict rules and in fact, less than 1% know Christ on a personal level. And we believe that this is not how it should be. Christ alone payed the highest price that we can have a relationship with him "...that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.." /John 17:3/


Because you had been called to follow Him. Wherever you are. And sometimes it means that you go abroad. You are not the one who saves people, you are the messenger. How cool is that God himself wants to use you in His story!

An internship means 
- serving with a team under the leadership of an experienced JV staff member
- partnering with national youth groups to put on evangelistic English, sport or Fusion music camps
- teaching and building relationships with students
- facilitating a variety of training activities related to youth ministry

It also means
- stepping out of your comfort zone on a daily basis
- experiencing God at work in different context/different culture
- being witness to a miracle when someone meets Jesus
- getting to know more about yourself, your motives, your selfishness :) and God's grace and love

I want to thank all of you who've already experienced our internship. It's has been so great to meet you and serve along with you! You sacrificed your time and finances in order to spend summer with us. Thanks for all your effort and willingness to serve. This thank note relates also to people who came over for a short-term trip. It's always so overwhelming to seeing how God puts us together, uses our talents and our weaknesses and makes something extraordinary out from it.

And I want to thank you, stranger, for praying and considering coming over next summer ;)
For more information click here.


It's going to be a good year!

one could have a problem to remember all those abbreviations

but not these people

as students of the School for Youth Leaders /spm/

they've became part of our TCKompas family for this year

i've been there
a student of spm
full of expectations and fears

and i've been inspired and trained
so my desire is that they would experience the same

do we need prayers?
oh yeah!
therefore pls, visit Zuzka's blog 
she wrote a beautiful article about 1st meeting and prayer needs

i think it's going to be a good year


Why to attend a JV conference?

Have you noticed that big tent? 

Last week I've spent in it together with more than 240 people quite a lot of time. This picture was taken from the hotel we've been staying at which means we had to climb that hill a few times a day. Tiring? Yes.

Every year Josiah Venture /JV holds a conference for "its" missionaries.
Reasons for attending are many. Allow me to list at least few of them: 

high quality -
good speakers -
 delicious desserts -
 networking -
 beautiful view out of my window -
 enriching conversations with people -
funny conversations with people -

As JV staff we are "scattered" around Europe, specifically in 13 countries. Our vision is the same; we want to see a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. But sometimes when you face a daily reality, you forgot that you are not alone.

And therefore it's great to come all together! To see the big picture. To experience other broken hearts for people in this region. It makes sense when a Slovak is concerned about Slovakia or an Estonian about Estonia. But what keeps me amazed is when these and other countries matter to people from the other side of the world /the USA/...and they are willing to come /single, married, whole families/ to live here!

I observe, I learn, I am humbled, their struggles help to overcome my struggles, and I catch the fire of their passion for Him. It helps me to realize that our Slovakia is just part of something bigger; it is part of the body of Christ.

So...why to attend a JV conference?

Because it's not about JV.

It is about the big God who "is still at his work" and he decided to use us as well. Thank be to Him for that!


Welcome Fusion Senec!


location: south-western Slovakia
area: 38,71 km2
population: 17 289

schools: 10
young people: many

first mentioned: 1252


GOD knew about this town much earlier

and in his sovereign plan he placed there "his" people

so they would go and share the good news

We've spent this weekend /sept 20-21/ in a training mode. Yes, Fusion family is getting bigger. Senec is on board!!! There is a need for equipping, listening and encouraging. I believe that I can write on behalf of whole Fusion Slovakia that it's a pleasure for us to observe this team and their hearts. My strongest experience from yesterday was how we sought God's will and instead of praying for successful Fusion we prayed for the lost young generation in this city! 
We worked hard, ate, sipped coffee, we were serious, we laughed.


please, pray together with us for
open doors
ready hearts

thank you


Opened floodgates of heaven

     The new school year’s  just started and so has Fusion. At our first meeting we had more than 45 people. You can tell that our Fusion room was overcrowded. It’s hard to describe the atmosphere but the words that occurred on fb after that night can explain at least a bit: "I am so thankful for you, Fusion people." or "Today was super awesome!"

     The new school year has started. New cycle of responsibilities, meetings and life surprises. And in the midst of this I am still processing THE summer.

2 Fusion camps
1 church camp
1 Campfest
1 United festival
1 Teenweek
Many personal meetings
A lot of life’s lessons
A huge amount of God’s miracles and blessings in front of my eyes

     Before the summer I was overwhelmed by my schedule and felt like in cage /no room for solid vacation and afraid of physical burn out/. I prayed. I asked for enough strength since I could not really change those things in my calendar. Yes, it had been crazy. Yes, He answered. In that summer chaos he gave me a little  moments where I could recharge my batteries. Not only that I had enough strength but I now feel even rested and ready for a new season.

     There is no other word for young people coming to Christ as their personal Savior as a MIRACLE. Decisions were made, challenges accepted and your prayers appreciated.

     Super thankful for 3weeks of Fusion “camp-camp-Campfest” ride. As a Fusion Slovakia team we tried out our physical and other abilities and found out our limits. It was tiring - big time, but I prefer calling it as a very intense teambuilding. Spending so much time together, seeing my colleagues in action, dealing with daily problems and how they solve conflicts and let God working in and through them – all of this just makes me more and more proud of team I can be part of. Fusion Slovakia rocks!!! /just for the record for those who weren’t aware of it yet/

     And in all of this, God had surprised me beyond my expectations! He took some time to reveal himself to me in a new way. While working, serving or however one defines it, he started to speak to me through topics at our Fusion camps. Gently but very clearly he pointed to area of my life where I had to admit I don’t trust him and I don’t believe that He would want to take care of me. I faced the God-Father issue. I have a good father. But he is just a human like everybody else and not capable of fulfilling all my needs. But God, God the Father is. And he wants to.
     So, after dealing with that specific thing and setting me free I decided to let Him love me the way He does. It still feels kind of weird to accept that this kind of daddy is xy-times better than any ideal father figure from American movies. I’m getting used to it though.

    He just functions on different principles. He is teaching me to dream big and ask for specific things. So, here I am…at the beginning of new school year. Thankful, overwhelmed and full of joy and excitement (of) what tomorrow will bring.


Youth for Youth

TeenWeek alias an attack on summer boredom ended yesterday.
The main aim /just as the slovak web site says/ was to approach and inspire young people 
from one part of Bratislava and offer them an alternative to a meaningful free time.
So, within those 4 days we

.played outside

.and inside

.or with "strangers" in the city

.ate.had fun. talked.got new friends

.sang /Fusion rocks/

but the biggest joy and thankfulness was
to see our own teenagers from youth and Fusion how they've
.organized things
.taken pictures
.written reports
.approached new people
.been a heart of TeenWeek
.found out that it's possible to go outside and change things
.believed that they are those messengers


Success is measured by people

We've been getting ready for this for more than 5 months and finally it came true. Our second Fusion camp started.

Actually it's over. But memories stayed. 
Within one week we managed to learn 9 songs, some drama/dance, enjoyed sport, evening program/discussions. It's better to see it in pictures, so here we go, just click and watch! (this video has been made by Gavin Chase as a result of his media workshops at camp...great, isn't it?)

Besides our final concert for parents and friends in Bratislava, we've been given a great opportunity to perform in the downtown of Sered where our camp took place. They even wrote about us in a local newspaper. You can check it here but it's only in Slovak...sorry :-) 

Moreover, one of the Slovak TV stations came and shot a reportage about us. Our hope is that we made a good promo for Fusion Slovakia! You can check it here, but I warn you, it's only in Slovak again.

I am so thankful for these open doors! On the other hand I realize how easy is to fall into boasting with these and other accomplishments and THEREFORE I wanna write about things behind the scenes. 
You can't find them in those videos but without them many pieces of camp wouldn't work. Being an official camp leader again wasn't simple and yet, I enjoyed it so much....thanks to:

               Janka J.                 Nikol                Janka C.                  me :-)              Kika

These 4 women were/are gift form God! They've been working on things that usually nobody likes - bills, organization and logistics. I could see in reality what Paul meant when he wrote: "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
I will never forget those moments when we laughed, cried from exhaustion, and prayed together. Regarding the prayer, we've seen "little big" miracles happen. God has taught us to pray very specifically and wait for the results, cause He is very serious about answering our prayers.

 Mark                             Amy     

These cute people are not only ready to make fun of themselves but they were there all the time...helping with smooth running of workshops and choir/band rehearsals. It's such a blessing to know that you can rely on someone with complete trust!

And there are many many others! I don't have time or space to write about everyone but at least what I can do is what actually God did. People who participated in every thinkable way in temple building were so precious to Him that he made sure their names would be written in the Bible! 

So, my dear: Veronika, Draho, Josh, Allie, Lacye, Andrej H., Andrej K., Stella, Michal, Patrik, Matej, Martin, Tomas B., Tomas I., Jany, Ester, Tomy, Mia, Zuzka, Miriam, Peter, Michal P., Janko K., Dan, Olivia, David, Joan, Charlie, Suzie, Brett, Elizabeth, Abby....THANK YOU!!! We were successful because of your obedience, sacrifice and faith in living God!


When Fusion fills its purpose

God. Music. Fun. Exhaustion. Interest. Frustration. Joy. Improvisation. Drama. Fight. Friendships. Workshops. Concerts.  Laughter. Cry. Prayers. Food. Team. Place. Time. Community.

Terry English (the leader of Fusion Europe) promised us that the first year is going to be veeery interesting. We would experience different kinds of emotions. He was right. And although it was very demanding, it was worth it!

Reading the feedback from our students made me very thankful. Thankful for this tool which God uses for his glory! I want you to be encouraged as well, so here are some of those statements (of course with the students'permission)

"I improved playing the piano and got many new friends. I've learned more about God's grace. I think I became more open with others. I love our songs and that I play in the band. I feel safe here and I can laugh or be weird and people still like me."

"It's a therapy, one afterroon which gives me a positive energy for the rest of the week. It's a good influence, I do less stupid things, I behave better. I've learned to communicate with people...which is a problem for me. I gained self confidence. I improved my music skills. I have new friends and I found out that not all believers are fanatics or double/faced but they are good people who can support you and treat themselves as a family."

"A place where I have a lot of friends who always cheer me up. I meet new people with their life stories. God teaches me how to evangelize. I've learned to understand people more."

"Everytime I'm at Fusion I notice a change in my behavior. I have a bigger respect towards others."

"It's a new family. I was surprised by frankness of  these people. You are not only singing, but also talking, having fun, games. I was afraid of new people, but Fusion convinced me about the opposite. I'm thankful that I can be here with you."

"A beeter relationship with God. I got new friends. I learned to be more kind to people and look at others from different perspective. I try to find the good in people. Fusion is a second family for me. They cook well in here :-) I improved my singing."


When Fusion goes to school....

Sunday means church.
Tuesday means Fusion.
And Fusion means
rehearsal, community, fun

Like the other week. We got the opportunity to perform at one school which is nearby our place. We met in the morning, took our instruments and other equipment to the gym and waited for the students. 
This time it wasn't only a concert but we wanted to show them what it looks like at our weekly rehearsals. So besides singing we had a short devotional, broke the ice with an icebreaker and of course...we invited them to Fusion!



What a joy when two new girls showed up!
Our students could see  the result of their work.

Doing concerts is such a great thing! It's hard to explain, but the whole thing - the preparation, concert itself and joy that comes after - all of this just brings us closer to each other. I do believe that this is one of the reasons why these two girls came back this week and brought another friend as well!


Meet chic grandmas

Travelling around Bratislava today was so much fun!
While I was waiting at the bus stop, an old lady (over 60 years old) passed by.  Two crutches in her hands were a clear evidence of her problems with walking. But what caught my eye was her haircut! A short bob with pink highlights in blond hair. Something like this: 


Only few minutes later I saw a 50+ years old woman riding a  scooter.


I started to imagine myself at their age. Am I going to be a rockstar with pink hair or an Olympian on a scooter? I don't think so, but these ladies set up an example - the importance of an active lifestyle.
And when you mix the care of exterior with the inner beauty,
that combination becomes contagious!

All of this made me thinking about one woman in my life.
Ketty Conrad.

She has been my mentor during my studies in Denmark.
A creative soul, always chic and with smile on her face. It was fascinating to observe her interaction with other people. When you talk to her, she makes you feel that you are the only one in the world, you are important! She knows what it means to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. I love the sparkle in her eyes when she talks about Christ! It's so real and sincere. 
"She is really serious about the whole God thing!"

Her life experiences made her even more beautiful.
She is gentle.
Her strenght consist in her way of loving.

I don't wanna be her clone. But it is my desire that when people think of me in the future, they would think about the same thing that comes to my mind when I remember Ketty:

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. 
The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God. 
(Proverbs 31:30)