It's already been 10 days we came to the US. You may have seen few pictures on FB from all over the places, so let me explain what we've been actually doing.
Our 'fantastic four' is on so-called
Josiah Venture Fall Recruitment Tour. We are looking for young people who would come over and help us this coming summer to run camps and join our staff as
summer interns.

Because there is such a need! In Central and Eastern Europe there are 32,5 million young people ages 15-28. Many of them may know the church but in their mind it's only an old cold building with boring services. It's more about tradition and following some strict rules and in fact, less than 1% know Christ on a personal level. And we believe that this is not how it should be. Christ alone payed the highest price that we can have a relationship with him
"...that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.." /John 17:3/
Because you had been called to follow Him. Wherever you are. And sometimes it means that you go abroad. You are not the one who saves people, you are the messenger. How cool is that God himself wants to use you in His story!
An internship means
- serving with a team under the leadership of an experienced JV staff member
- partnering with national youth groups to put on evangelistic English, sport or Fusion music camps
- teaching and building relationships with students
- facilitating a variety of training activities related to youth ministry
It also means
- stepping out of your comfort zone on a daily basis
- experiencing God at work in different context/different culture
- being witness to a miracle when someone meets Jesus
- getting to know more about yourself, your motives, your selfishness :) and God's grace and love
I want to thank all of you who've already experienced our internship. It's has been so great to meet you and serve along with you! You sacrificed your time and finances in order to spend summer with us. Thanks for all your effort and willingness to serve. This thank note relates also to people who came over for a short-term trip. It's always so overwhelming to seeing how God puts us together, uses our talents and our weaknesses and makes something extraordinary out from it.
And I want to thank you, stranger, for praying and considering coming over next summer ;)
For more information click