
Why to attend a JV conference?

Have you noticed that big tent? 

Last week I've spent in it together with more than 240 people quite a lot of time. This picture was taken from the hotel we've been staying at which means we had to climb that hill a few times a day. Tiring? Yes.

Every year Josiah Venture /JV holds a conference for "its" missionaries.
Reasons for attending are many. Allow me to list at least few of them: 

high quality -
good speakers -
 delicious desserts -
 networking -
 beautiful view out of my window -
 enriching conversations with people -
funny conversations with people -

As JV staff we are "scattered" around Europe, specifically in 13 countries. Our vision is the same; we want to see a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. But sometimes when you face a daily reality, you forgot that you are not alone.

And therefore it's great to come all together! To see the big picture. To experience other broken hearts for people in this region. It makes sense when a Slovak is concerned about Slovakia or an Estonian about Estonia. But what keeps me amazed is when these and other countries matter to people from the other side of the world /the USA/...and they are willing to come /single, married, whole families/ to live here!

I observe, I learn, I am humbled, their struggles help to overcome my struggles, and I catch the fire of their passion for Him. It helps me to realize that our Slovakia is just part of something bigger; it is part of the body of Christ.

So...why to attend a JV conference?

Because it's not about JV.

It is about the big God who "is still at his work" and he decided to use us as well. Thank be to Him for that!


Welcome Fusion Senec!


location: south-western Slovakia
area: 38,71 km2
population: 17 289

schools: 10
young people: many

first mentioned: 1252


GOD knew about this town much earlier

and in his sovereign plan he placed there "his" people

so they would go and share the good news

We've spent this weekend /sept 20-21/ in a training mode. Yes, Fusion family is getting bigger. Senec is on board!!! There is a need for equipping, listening and encouraging. I believe that I can write on behalf of whole Fusion Slovakia that it's a pleasure for us to observe this team and their hearts. My strongest experience from yesterday was how we sought God's will and instead of praying for successful Fusion we prayed for the lost young generation in this city! 
We worked hard, ate, sipped coffee, we were serious, we laughed.


please, pray together with us for
open doors
ready hearts

thank you


Opened floodgates of heaven

     The new school year’s  just started and so has Fusion. At our first meeting we had more than 45 people. You can tell that our Fusion room was overcrowded. It’s hard to describe the atmosphere but the words that occurred on fb after that night can explain at least a bit: "I am so thankful for you, Fusion people." or "Today was super awesome!"

     The new school year has started. New cycle of responsibilities, meetings and life surprises. And in the midst of this I am still processing THE summer.

2 Fusion camps
1 church camp
1 Campfest
1 United festival
1 Teenweek
Many personal meetings
A lot of life’s lessons
A huge amount of God’s miracles and blessings in front of my eyes

     Before the summer I was overwhelmed by my schedule and felt like in cage /no room for solid vacation and afraid of physical burn out/. I prayed. I asked for enough strength since I could not really change those things in my calendar. Yes, it had been crazy. Yes, He answered. In that summer chaos he gave me a little  moments where I could recharge my batteries. Not only that I had enough strength but I now feel even rested and ready for a new season.

     There is no other word for young people coming to Christ as their personal Savior as a MIRACLE. Decisions were made, challenges accepted and your prayers appreciated.

     Super thankful for 3weeks of Fusion “camp-camp-Campfest” ride. As a Fusion Slovakia team we tried out our physical and other abilities and found out our limits. It was tiring - big time, but I prefer calling it as a very intense teambuilding. Spending so much time together, seeing my colleagues in action, dealing with daily problems and how they solve conflicts and let God working in and through them – all of this just makes me more and more proud of team I can be part of. Fusion Slovakia rocks!!! /just for the record for those who weren’t aware of it yet/

     And in all of this, God had surprised me beyond my expectations! He took some time to reveal himself to me in a new way. While working, serving or however one defines it, he started to speak to me through topics at our Fusion camps. Gently but very clearly he pointed to area of my life where I had to admit I don’t trust him and I don’t believe that He would want to take care of me. I faced the God-Father issue. I have a good father. But he is just a human like everybody else and not capable of fulfilling all my needs. But God, God the Father is. And he wants to.
     So, after dealing with that specific thing and setting me free I decided to let Him love me the way He does. It still feels kind of weird to accept that this kind of daddy is xy-times better than any ideal father figure from American movies. I’m getting used to it though.

    He just functions on different principles. He is teaching me to dream big and ask for specific things. So, here I am…at the beginning of new school year. Thankful, overwhelmed and full of joy and excitement (of) what tomorrow will bring.